What are the prerequisites for enrolling in the courses?

A proof of you being qualified for the chosen course. i.e: CISA: a participant must show proof of being an experienced Auditor, a Finance or Accounts Officer or an IT person.

Are the courses self-paced or instructor-led?

All our courses are instructor-led.

Are the courses suitable for beginners with no prior experience?

Some courses are suitable for beginners whiles others are strictly for participants with prior experiences.

Is it possible to enroll in multiple courses simultaneously?

No. Not advisable, though possible since the times of running differ in many instances.

How can I enroll in a course?

By applying and submitting the necessary required documents to the GIMPA TRAINING & CONSULTING (GTC) Directorate through the course / programmes’ coordinators.

Do you offer any job placement after taking a course?

No. However, GTC encourages Networking amongst participants who are mostly industry players and leaders.

Is there a refund policy in case I’m no longer interested?

Yes. You must first write to us clearly stating reasons for the withdrawal after which the refund process shall commence.

Is it possible to pay in instalment?

To be determine by the Director of GIMPA TRAINING & CONSULTING (GTC) on a case-to-case basis.

What benefits are there in completing a course?

Knowledge gain. Network established with other course participants. Augment your CV.

Do I still have access to course materials after completing the course?

Course materials are shared during the course.

Can I interact with the instructor and other students during the course?

A big yes and after the course as well.

Are there any additional fees aside the course fees?

No hidden charges.

Are the certificates recognized when applying for jobs?


What is the mode of learning?

Face – to – Face. In person, our courses are conducted in a serene multimedia enabled lecture halls.

Why should I enrol with your institution?

This is GIMPA, where you don’t only get a classroom tuition but a holistic memorable experience.

What payment options do you support?

Direct to the bank, online to the bank and also through a Merchant line linked to the bank.

How flexible is the teaching and learning?

Very flexible with study materials provided, case – studies and group presentations conducted and field trips and Industries & Factories visit to during the course.

Do you offer discounts or scholarships for courses?

No. Short courses don’t simply attract any form of scholarship.

Can I preview a course before enrolling?

YES. You may.

Do you offer any resources for continuing professional development after completion of course?

YES. We do.

Is it possible to get personalized feedback on projects or assignments?

Upon request.

Can I switch to a different course if I change my mind?

Why not, provided you qualify for the new course of interest.

Can I enrol in a course at any time at all?

There is a course – schedule which runs all year LONG. From January to December. You are welcome.

Do you offer trainings for organizations?

The answer is a big yes. We do conduct customized trainings anytime of the year. Talk to us.