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    Certificate Programmes
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Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security(on-line)

The Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security is a specialized program designed for individuals interested in the intersection of psychology, law, and corporate security. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of psychology in forensic investigations and its application in the corporate security domain.

Course Details

The Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security is a specialized program designed for individuals interested in the intersection of psychology, law, and corporate security. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of psychology in forensic investigations and its application in the corporate security domain. Participants will explore topics such as criminal profiling, investigative interviewing techniques, risk assessment, and the psychological factors influencing criminal behavior. Additionally, the program covers the principles of corporate security, including threat assessment, crisis management, and the protection of organizational assets. The course equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to forensic investigations, risk mitigation, and the overall security posture of organizations.


    Enrollment in the Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security typically requires a bachelor's degree in psychology, criminology, criminal justice, or a related field. However, individuals with relevant work experience or other qualifications may be considered. Participants should have a foundational understanding of psychology and a basic knowledge of criminal justice concepts. Access to a computer with internet connectivity is necessary for participating in virtual sessions, accessing course materials, and completing assignments.

Course Syllabus

    Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Overview of forensic psychology, its applications in criminal investigations, and its relevance to corporate security. Criminal Profiling: Techniques for creating psychological profiles to aid in the identification and apprehension of offenders. Investigative Interviewing: Understanding the psychology of interviewing witnesses and suspects, with an emphasis on effective communication and obtaining reliable information. Psychological Factors in Criminal Behavior: Exploring the psychological theories and factors that contribute to criminal behavior and the implications for corporate security. Forensic Assessment and Risk Management: Techniques for assessing and managing risks in a forensic context, with applications in corporate security.

Course Information

  • Course Price: GHC6,000
  • Class Start: Aug. 10, 2024
  • Course Duration: 9 Saturdays
  • Course Capacity: Max 95 Students
  • Class Schedule: Saturdays
  • Class Time: noon

Location & Cohorts

  • Location: Gimpa Main
  • Cohort: Second Half Cohort

Course Reviews

Average Rating:4.6

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