Course Details

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    Certificate Programmes
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Certificate in Media and Public Relations

This course provides participants with practical knowledge and skills to excel in media and public relations roles, equipping them to navigate the evolving media landscape and effectively communicate with diverse audiences.

Course Details

The "Certificate in Media and Public Relations" is a dynamic program designed for individuals interested in mastering the principles and practices of media communication and public relations. This course covers essential skills, strategies, and tactics for effective communication in the modern media landscape.



Course Syllabus


Course Information

  • Course Price: GHC6,000
  • Class Start: March 16, 2024
  • Course Duration: 9 Saturdays
  • Course Capacity: Max 100 Students
  • Class Schedule: Saturdays
  • Class Time: noon

Location & Cohorts

  • Location: Gimpa Main
  • Cohort: First Half Cohort

Course Reviews

Average Rating:4.6

5 Stars24
4 Stars5
3 Stars2
2 Stars0
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