Course Details

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    Certificate Programmes
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Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management

This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various roles within the tourism and hospitality industry, emphasizing customer service excellence, effective management practices, and the ability to create positive and memorable guest experiences

Course Details

The "Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management" is a comprehensive program designed for individuals aspiring to enter the dynamic and rewarding field of tourism and hospitality. This course covers essential principles and practices, providing participants with a solid foundation in managing various aspects of the tourism and hospitality industry.



Course Syllabus


Course Information

  • Course Price: GHC6,000
  • Class Start: Feb. 24, 2024
  • Course Duration: 9 Saturdays
  • Course Capacity: Max 100 Students
  • Class Schedule: Saturdays
  • Class Time: noon

Location & Cohorts

  • Location: Gimpa Main
  • Cohort: First Half Cohort

Course Reviews

Average Rating:4.6

5 Stars24
4 Stars5
3 Stars2
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