Course Details

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    Certificate Programmes
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Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security

This course provides a unique blend of forensic psychology and corporate security, preparing participants to navigate the complex interplay between human behavior and security challenges within organizational settings.

Course Details

The "Certificate in Forensic Psychology and Corporate Security" is a specialized program designed for professionals interested in the intersection of psychology, security, and law. This course explores the application of forensic psychology principles in the corporate security context, equipping participants with the skills to address psychological aspects of security challenges. Participants will gain practical insights and skills to enhance corporate security measures and address psychological factors influencing security outcomes.



Course Syllabus


Course Information

  • Course Price: GHC6,000
  • Class Start: Feb. 24, 2024
  • Course Duration: 9 Saturdays
  • Course Capacity: Max 100 Students
  • Class Schedule: Saturdays
  • Class Time: noon

Location & Cohorts

  • Location: Gimpa Main
  • Cohort: First Half Cohort

Course Reviews

Average Rating:4.6

5 Stars24
4 Stars5
3 Stars2
2 Stars0
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