Course Details

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    Leadership Programmes
  • Course Price

Women in Management (WIM) Senior Level

This course trains women to develop a strong leadership foundation and gain the confidence to navigate leadership roles effectively and also explore leadership styles that align with personal strengths and values.

Course Details

The "Women in Management" course is a transformative program designed to empower women in leadership roles and aspiring managers to excel in their careers. This course addresses the unique challenges faced by women in the workplace, offering strategic insights, leadership skills, and a supportive community to foster professional growth and success.



Course Syllabus


Course Information

  • Course Price: GHC6,500
  • Class Start: Oct. 7, 2024
  • Course Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Course Capacity: Max 100 Students
  • Class Schedule: Monday - Friday
  • Class Time: noon

Location & Cohorts

  • Location: Gimpa Main
  • Cohort: Second Half Cohort

Course Reviews

Average Rating:4.6

5 Stars24
4 Stars5
3 Stars2
2 Stars0
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